Composter Recycler Program

The Clark County Composter Recycler Program is coordinated by Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach to assist citizens with developing more sustainable lifestyles and building a strong environmental community in Clark County. Solid waste regional planning and programs are a cooperative effort of Battle Ground, Camas, Clark County, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt.

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Clark County Green Neighbors “Food Too Good to Waste” Tips

The Clark County Green Neighbors Program offers various tips on how to prevent wasted food and provides events throughout the year where folks can learn more about this topic as well as other sustainability practices.

USDA FoodKeeper Guide and App

The USDA's FoodKeeper Guide and App has tons of good information on food safety tips, food policies currently in action, and more. You can also call their hotline to ask questions about your meat, poultry, or egg products or report a problem with a food product online.

If you've ever been confused by all the dates they place on food products, you might want to check out to learn more about the differences between expiration dates, use-by dates, best-by, and sell-by dates.

Love Food Hate Waste

Love Food Hate Waste is a great site to find recipes, especially if you have ingredients you don't know what to make with. They also provide a lot of great food waste reduction resources and ways to take action in the fight against food waste.

Save the Food

Try out Save the Food's Guest-imator to calculate how much food you need for any occasion. Their Meal Prep Mate also helps you create custom meal plans and portion them out properly.

OSU Food Hero

Oregon State University's Food Hero website offers quick, tasty, and healthy recipes for you and your family. They also have tons of activities for kids to learn more about healthy eating and nutrition.

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